You know what I hate more then anything?? Fing Writing Fing Block!!
It happens to most of us, Sometimes you get ready to write your 20 page paper due tomorrow and your brain like turns to tofu! There is nothing in your head! So you try to go for hours thinking of something to write down. You start jotting ideas you only thought of when you were 8. The wonders of Transformers? That is a great essay right? Then half way you remember that you have to cite your sources in this paper and there is no way in hell you can get sources from your stupid fing paper. You go on wikipedia to find quotes! Did Megatron really right this and is it appropriate for philosophy class? Sure why not!! 2 weeks later, You get a D. This all happens with writers block! I actually had writers block when trying to think of a new topic so here it is.
Don't you hate writers block? Tell me your damn stories about it, I want some funny stories so we can mock you.